And of course, then, it only depends on exactly what your “it” is..

Just in case during your reading of my musings you haven’t realized it, the Pundit is a strict constructionist. As, in my humble opinion, if you have a document, containing set of precepts that have been proved, over time to allow freedom, while protecting the governed, that has built in checks and balances to discourage the usurping of power by any one branch, person or group and at the same allows for thoughtful and balanced governance. And includes the peaceful transfer of power from one group to another, one person to another, by the will of the people who exercise their vote. By gosh, by golly!!! You have a gem and need to keep it protected and safe!

And based on the latest activities in Washington by our Dictator in Chief, who is trying to jam socialism (then communism) down our freedom loving throats, I am happy to report that the attempt is beginning to stick in our freedom loving craws!! The great expectations and adoration what has been heaped on Obama is beginning to wane and more people every day are realizing that this dude has an agenda, one which we all object to (except for a few communists and other types who want to see the fall of the USA).

When I am contemplating the state of the union, I try to imagine Ben Franklin, or Patrick Henry, or George Washington and what they would be thinking and doing during these dangerous times. And so, like Patrick Henry, I have started by being a town crier and volunteered to do some phoning for group of patriots in a state where getting out the vote will mean electing a conservative, strict constructionist. It doesn’t matter that I am not residing in the state, but I can make a difference – or at least try!

So if things go the way I fear they will, since our Peoples have become lazy and slothful and the majority seem to want something for nothing, they will get nothing for something – their personal freedom!!

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